Odin Borson

Former Sky Father and monarch of Asgard
Place of Birth
Known Relatives
Buri (Tiwaz, paternal grandfather); Bolthorn (maternal grandfather, deceased); Bor (father, deceased); Bestla (mother, deceased); Ve (brother, deceased); Vili (brother, deceased); Frigga (wife); Balder, Hermod, Thor, Tyr, Vidar (sons); Loki (foster son); Sigyn (former daughter-in-law); Mimir (uncle); Hoder (nephew)
Group Affiliation
Gods of Asgard, Sky-Fathers
Extensively trained in combat
650 lbs.
White, formerly blond
Odin possessed a variety of superhuman attributes common to the superhuman race of beings known as the Asgardians. Odin was superhumanly strong and was capable of lifting about 60 tons. Odin, despite his advanced age at the time of his death, was much stronger than the average Asgardian male, which could lift roughly 30 tons.
Like all other Asgardians, Odin was extremely long lived and aged at a much slower pace than humans, but was not immortal in the same sense as some other races of gods who ceased to age upon reaching adulthood. Odin was highly resistant to physical injury and he couldn't die under conventional circumstances. It would take an injury that resulted in a spreading of a significant portion of his bodily molecules over a great distance, thus preventing the mystical lifeforce common to all Asgardians from regenerating areas essential to his survival, to cause him to physically die. The tissues of Odin's body; his flesh, bone, and muscle possessed about three times the density of the tissue of a human body. This helped to contribute to Odin's superhuman strength and weight. Odin's advanced musculature generated considerably less lactic acids than the musculature of human beings, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities.
Odin possessed vast energy manipulating abilities called the Odinforce and could manipulate tremendous amounts of mystical energies for a variety of purposes, only some of which were seen. Odin could temporarily increase his own superhuman physical attributes, fire powerful bursts of energy for destructive purposes, teleportation between dimensions, grant living beings or inanimate objects a variety of superhuman abilities, control the lifeforce of other Asgardians, etc. He was periodically required to enter week-long Odinsleep to preserve his immortality and renew his godly energies.
Vast knowledge of ancient and arcane wisdom. Odin was also an excellent hand to hand combatant, having thousands of years of experience and was quite adapt at using his vast energy powers in combat situations.
Other Info
Odin was the son of the Asgardian ruler Bor and the Frost Giantess, Bestia. Odin had two brothers named Vili and Ve. (To learn about the above mentioned characters and/or people, click on their highlighted names.)
Odin has had many children. His wife, Frigga, bore him three sons: Balder, Hermod, and Tyr. At one point, Odin sought out the Earth goddess known as Gaea to have a son who would one day exceed him in power. By Gaea, Odin had a son named Thor who was raised by Odin's wife. In addition, Odin had a son, Vidar, through the Storm Giantess, Grid. Odin also had an adoptive son named Loki. Loki was the child of Frost Giant King, Laufey who Odin killed in battle. Odin had made a promise to his father, Bor, that he would take in the son of a leader he killed in battle. (To learn about the above characters and/or people above, just click on their highlighted names. Note: Beware of the revealing outfit worn by Loki in his woman-form at the bottom of his bio page.)
As ruler and protector of the Asgardian people, Odin has been involved in many different crises and battles that have threatened Asgard and, on occasion, Earth. Some of these include stopping Loki, the Storm Giant Skagg, and Surtur; defeating Absorbing Man after he absorbed almost all of Asgard; banishing the monster Mangog; sacrificing his right eye to Mimir for the wisdom to stop Ragnarok; attempting to stop the Celestials in the armor of the Destroyer; engaging inter-dimensional tyrant Dormammu in a "cosmic chess" match as champions of Master Order and Lord Chaos respectively; and he even battled the "mad titan" Thanos in a battle that ended in a stalemate. Many times, Odin has been accompanied by by his ravens Hugin (Thought) and Munin (Memory), as well as his wolves Freki (Greedy) and Geri (Ravenous). (To learn about the above highlighted characters and/or event, just click on their names. Odin's ravens and wolves can been seen in the forth picture and a little bi tin the third picture posted. Also, Odin after he lost his eye--with an eye-patch--is shown in the fifth picture posted.)
Odin has also died three times in defense of Asgard. On the first occasion, Odin was killed by Mangog, although he is later revived by the goddess of Death Hela to prevent Pluto from claiming him. On the second occasion, the Celestials melted the Destroyer armor, which at the time held the life force of Odin and many Asgardians (except Thor because he was on Earth). However, Thor was able to collect a portion of godly energy from each pantheon and uses it to revive Odin, who in turn resurrected the Asgardians. The final occasion involved a massive battle against Surtur on Earth, with Odin apparently dying once and for all, as the Odin Force migrated to his son, Thor. (To learn about the above highlighted characters, just click on their names. Note: Beware of the revealing outfit on Hela's bio page.)
Later, when Thor (as ruler of Asgard) entered into a Odinsleep (a week-long sleep to preserve his immortality and renew his godly energies), he went upon a spiritual journey to a land of the dead. There, Thor found his father, Odin, locked in eternal combat with Surtur. Although Thor had the power to release his father, Odin declined because he preferred to stay there and battle Surtur to ensure that the demon would never threaten his people again.
To learn a little bit more about Odin, click on the following link, http://marvel.com/universe/Odin.
Odin seems very noble and good... and I think Anthony Hopkins was perfect for that. And I think it's interesting that he gave up coming back to life to prevent a demon from gaining power. Very noble indeed.