Monday, October 26, 2009
Marvel: My Anti-Drug
Hey Everybody! I thought that I would share this video I created for one of my classes. I hope you all enjoy! And remember...Don't Do Drugs!
The "Face" of Marvel Poll
Pepper Potts

Virginia "Pepper" Potts Hogan
Known Relatives
Harold "Happy" Hogan (husband, deceased), unidentified adopted son & daughter, Clay Hogan (brother-in-law), unidentified grandfather-in-law
College-level business studies
Pepper has extensive experience in business administration and secretarial duties.
Other Info
Virginia "Pepper" Potts was a member of the secretarial pool at Stark Industries when Howard Stark ran the company. After the death of Howard, his son Anthony "Tony" Stark assumed control of the company, and quickly realized Pepper's value because she understood the day-to-day business of running the company better than himself. Unfortunately, Pepper found herself doing most of Tony's work for him because he was often out socializing. During this time, Pepper continued her studies in business administration in order to cover for Tony. (To learn more about Tony Stark, click on his highlighted name above.)
To learn a tiny bit more concerning Pepper Potts/Hera/Rescue, click on the following link,,_Pepper.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Agent Zero

Christoph Nord
Mercenary, former government operative, freedom fighter
Place of Birth
Unrevealed location in former East Germany
Known Relatives
Unidentified parents (deceased), Andreas Nord (brother, deceased), Ginetta Lucia Barsalini (wife, deceased), unnamed child (deceased)
Group Affiliation
Formerly Weapon X, Weapon Plus, Team X, Cell Six, former bodyguard of Psi-Borg, former agent of Major Barrington
230 lbs.
(Originally) Brown; (currently) Black
Agent Zero is a mutant who can absorb the kinetic energy of an impact within certain limits without injury to himself. Zero must then release the energy he absorbs and can channel it as blasts of concussive-corrosive energy via an acidic enzyme secreted from his fingertips. This enzyme was specifically designed by the Weapon X Program to counteract an opponent’s self-healing abilities by reversing the process so that the more an opponent attempts to heal an enzyme-inflicted wound, the worse it becomes. Zero is also able to channel absorbed energy into raw strength, allowing him to deliver blows ten times stronger than normal.
Like other members of the Weapon X Program, Zero’s D.N.A. contains an age suppression factor that greatly retards his aging process. Subsequent modification by the Program has removed all discernible scent from his body.
Agent Zero is a deadly hand-to-hand combatant, a precision marksman, and an expert in covert operations and demolitions. He also has vast experience with computers and communications equipment.
Other Info
Christoph Nord was Born in the former East Germany. He was an idealist who fought against the communist regime as a freedom fighter for the West German Cell Six. Nord’s brother, Andreas, fought for the East Germans, and when the two met in battle Nord was forced to kill his brother.
Later, after an encounter with an assassin, Christoph was recovering in a German hospital where he fell in love with nurse named Ginetta Barsalini. The two got married, and soon after Ginetta became pregnant. However, Christoph later learned that his wife was a double agent and he was forced to kill her after she attacked him. The following guilt and pain that came from performing such an act, drove Nord further into his mercenary work, and he eventually accepted an offer to join the Central Intelligence Agency’s Weapon X Program. He joined the Program’s covert operations unit Team X, changed his name to David North, and took on the codename "Maverick."
As Maverick, he wore a suit of body armor that contained airtight seals and a mask containing a limited oxygen supply. (Shown in the third, forth, and sixth picture posted.)
In recent years, Japanese crimelord Matsu’o Tsurayaba and his allies, including former Weapon X scientist Doctor Cornelius, resurrected the Russian super-soldier Omega Red. In order to stabilize his mutant power, Omega Red required the Carbonadium Synthesizer, a device stolen from him by Team X decades earlier. Omega Red captured Maverick’s former Team X teammate Wolverine (who had the location of the C-Synthesizer buried in his memory) and several of Wolverine’s teammates in the X-Men. Maverick was hired by former Team X liaison Major Arthur Barrington to prevent Omega Red from obtaining the device, and he tracked another former Team X member, Sabretooth, to Omega Red’s location. With Maverick’s help, the X-Men were able to defeat the villains, and he subsequently killed Cornelius in an act of revenge. (To learn about any of the highlighted characters/team above, click on their names.)
Maverick subsequently learned that he had contracted the deadly mutant-killing Legacy Virus. He asked Wolverine to kill him in order to avoid a prolonged suffering, but Wolverine refused. Soon after, Maverick came to form a sibling-like bond with another Virus sufferer, Chris Bradley (future Bolt/Maverick). During the final stages of his infection, Maverick encountered the Russian mutant telepath Elena Ivanova who was hunting Sabretooth to avenge his murder of her mother. The Virus claimed Maverick’s life, but Ivanova managed to use her powers to coax him back to life. As a result, Maverick’s Legacy Virus went into full remission and his powers further mutated. (To learn about the characters and virus above, just click on their highlighted names.)
Maverick was later captured by Russian crimelord Ivan Pushkin. Pushkin's scientists implanted false memories into Maverick’s mind to make him believe that Barrington had been responsible for his wife’s betrayal. Pushkin wanted Maverick to kill Barrington to prevent him from providing testimony that threatened Pushkin’s financial interests. Maverick located Barrington’s safehouse, but he was opposed by members of the Canadian super-team Alpha Flight. Maverick was able to overcome Pushkin’s mental manipulation; however, it was too late to save Barrington from Pushkin’s agents, Hammer and Sickle. (To learn about the characters/team above, click on their highlighted names. Note: Beware of the Alpha Flight's bio picture...women in tight-fitting/revealing outfits.)
In a later encounter with Hammer and Sickle, Maverick’s left eye was gouged out by Sickle, and he was left to die in the Swiss Alps. Forced to cauterize the wound to stop from bleeding to death, Maverick survived and later resurfaced to aid Wolverine against a revived Weapon X Program. This new Program sent Sabretooth to recruit both Maverick and fellow Team X alumnus John Wraith. Neither accepted the offer, and so Sabretooth killed Wraith and critically injured Maverick. Brought to the Program with only minutes to live, Maverick reluctantly joined in order to survive and was genetically modified to become Agent Zero. (To learn about Wraith, click on his name above.)
As Agent Zero, he wears body armor woven from Vibranium that renders him completely silent as he moves. (Shown in the first and fifth picture posted.) The armor also refracts light, which in total darkness renders him nearly invisible to detection. Agent Zero also carries a wide array of weapons including wrist-mounted plasma blasters, pistols that fire bullets made from Adamantium, and an Adamantium-coated knife, amongst others. Zero also once used a sniper rifle loaded with bullets forged of Adamantium-piercing "anti-metal." (To read up on the definitions for Vibranium and Adamantium, click on the highlighted words above.)
Although an efficient operative, Zero hated what he had become and frequently considered suicide. On his first assignment as Zero, he was sent to assassinate Wolverine in an attempt by the Director to further break his spirit. Deliberately missing his target, Zero was punished with an electric shock. Later, Zero recaptured Sabretooth after his betrayal of the Program and would have killed him had the Director not shocked him again. (To learn more about the Director of the Weapon X Program, click on his name above.)
As a result of the M-Day (a time where most the mutants in the world lost their powers), Agent Zero lost his powers. He has been currently living with other mutants who have lost their powers too. (To learn about M-Day, click on the name above. Note: Beware of a couple women in revealing or tight-fitting outfits on the M-Day page. Also, to learn more about the life of Agent Zero/Maverick, click on the following link,
Agent Zero is in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Except for the character's extreme accuracy with guns, he does not have his normal powers. I don't know why, but in this movie, a few characters' powers/abilities were changed or altered. Also, it seems like Agent Zero is kind of a good guy in the comics, where in the movie he's more of a villain. However, that might be because he is a mercenary, so he just does what he's told...who knows?
Monday, October 12, 2009

Wade Wilson
Mercenary; former enforcer, government operative, sumo wrestler, soldier, others
Place of Birth
Unrevealed location in Canada
Known Relatives
Unidentified parents, Gretchen (ex-wife)
Group Affiliation
Agency X; formerly Six Pack, One World Church, DP Inc., Weapon X, Heroes for Hire, Secret Defenders, Frightful Four, Team Deadpool, Landau, Luckman & Lake, Department K; former employee of Tolliver, Kingpin, Taskmaster, presumably others
None, formerly brown
Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that of the mutant Wolverine that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage Deadpool suffers. This healing factor also affords Deadpool a virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and an extended life span. Unlike Wolverine’s natural healing factor, Deadpool’s is mentally driven to a partial extent.
Due to the presence of this superhuman healing ability, many of Deadpool's natural physical attributes have been enhanced. Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. His natural strength, agility and reflexes have been enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural limits of the human body. Deadpool's agility and reaction time are superior to those of even the finest human athlete.
Deadpool is an extraordinary hand-to-hand combatant and is skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master of assassination techniques, is an excellent marksman, and is highly skilled with bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back). He is fluent in Japanese, German, Spanish, amongst other languages.
Other Info
Wade Wilson's early life is mostly unknown. His mother died of cancer while he was young and his father (who was in the military) was physically abusive. Wade was a troubled teen and his father was killed when Wade was 17 years old.
After a brief military service, Wade began his mercenary career while still in his late teens. Accepting assassination jobs only against those whom he felt deserved death. He also made a habit of using plastic surgery and technology to take on a new identity whenever he failed an assignment.
Little is known of Wilson’s mercenary activities. At one time, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crimelord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a sumo wrestler under the Oyakata’s tutelage and became romantically involved with his Oyakata's daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered for Oyakata’s murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment (allegedly the first time he had ever done so) and relocated to the United States.
In America, Wilson met and fell in love with a prostitute named Vanessa Carlysle (future Copycat). The love was mutual. However, after learning that he had contracted cancer, Wilson broke up with Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. (To learn more about Copycat, click on her name above. Note: Beware of the reavealing outfit on her bio page.)
He then went to Canada where he was offered hope in the form of Department K (a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government). Wilson became a test subject in Department K’s branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program. Here, his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, Wolverine. During this time, Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the Sluggo, Kane, and Slayback. Vanessa, too, was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat. (To learn more about the programs and characters above, just click on their names.)
During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice (allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated). However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospice’s patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax, with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. During this time, Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments. At the Hospice, Wilson eventally killed another patient and according to Killebrew’s rules, any patient who killed another was to be executed. Therefore, Ajax tore Wilson’s heart out and left him for dead. However, Wilson’s thirst for vengeance was so strong that it jump-started his healing factor, regenerating his heart, although not curing his scarred body. Wilson then attacked Ajax, leaving him for dead, and took on the name Deadpool. (Click on the highlighted names above to learn about the characters.)
Later on, at some point during his mercenary career, Deadpool was employed as an assassin by Wilson Fisk (aka Kingpin). (To learn about the Kingpin, click on his highlighted name.)
Then, some years after escaping the Hospice, Deadpool returned to the Canadian government and was treated by Doctor Walter Langkowski, Sasquatch of Canada’s super-team Alpha Flight. Deadpool soon found government work unsuitable for his temperament, and he abandoned this endeavor. (Click on the highlighted names above to learn about the character/team. Note: Beware of the women on the picture of the Alpha Flight team on their bio page: tight-fitting/revealing outfits.)
Later on, Deadpool was hired by the criminal genius known as the Wizard. Deadpool at first went to a wrong address and received a job impersonating the criminal Hobgoblin. After realzing the mix-up, the Wizard asked Deadpool to join the Frightful Four with fellow criminals the Taskmaster and Constrictor. When this plan also failed, Deadpool sought to reclaim his position as the Kingpin’s assassin, only to be challenged by fellow assassin Bullseye. (To learn more about the group and characters above, click on their names.)
After some time, Deadpool found employment with the time-traveling arms merchant Tolliver, in whose service he was reunited with Sluggo and Copycat. Deadpool also recruited a man named Weasel to act as his weapon supplier, and the two became fast friends. In the course of a future battle, Copycat was gravely injured, and Deadpool sacrificed part of his healing ability to save her life. (To learn about the highlighted characters above, just click on their names.)
Deadpool subsequently helped X-Force member Siryn against the unstoppable Juggernaut and her uncle, Black Tom Cassidy, who had forced Killebrew into their service. Deadpool developed a strong attachment to Siryn, who only partially returned his feelings. Unsure of his worthiness, Deadpool sought out Copycat, only to find she was now dating Kane. Later, Deadpool sought medical treatment for Siryn, who had been injured in a mission with X-Force. Allying himself with the mysterious Watchtower group, Deadpool captured Wolverine in exchange for Siryn’s treatment. Siryn was cured, while Wolverine easily outfought his captors. (Throughout Deadpool's mercenary career, he has fought alongside, but mostly against, Wolverine multiple times. Also, to learn about the characters/group above, click on their highlighted names. Note: The X-Force bio page has a woman in a tight-fitting outfit.)
Deadpool was then tracked down by Sabretooth and invited to join the new Weapon X Program. Impressed by Weapon X’s upgrade of his healing factor, he agreed to join. However, he soon found the organization’s methods to be too bloody even for him. After the death of Copycat at the hands of Sabretooth, Deadpool confronted the Director, Malcolm Colcord, only to have his healing factor reversed to the point where he again lost physical cohesion and died. However, the lingering effects of Deadpool’s healing factor upgrade resurrected him, leaving him amnesiac. But, a future chance encounter with Weasel restored his memory. (To learn about the above highlighted characters, just click on their names.)
If you would like to learn more about Deadpool's bio, click on the following link, (There's a lot of information, so if you're in for a good read, enjoy!)
Wade Wilson/Deadpool appeared in the movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I thought Deadpool was a pretty cool character. But, in the movie, it seemed like Deadpool's character had been changed a bit; some of his powers were different, etc. However, Marvel has announced that they will be making a Deadpool spin-off movie in 2011. Therefore, it makes me wonder how they are going to be connecting the Deadpool from X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the upcoming Deadpool movie. Only time will tell!
Monday, October 5, 2009

Philippa Sontag

Criminal, soldier; former refugee
Known Relatives
Group Affiliation
Marauders; formerly 198, Femizons
Unrevealed; some military training
126 lbs.
Arclight is a mutant possessed of superhuman strength, allowing her to lift approximately 50 tons. She also has superhuman endurance, as well as a great degree of resistance to physical injury. Arclight can also focus seismic energy through her hands to shatter objects, create shockwaves, or cause earth tremors.
Covert ops, above-average hand-to-hand combat
Arclight was once a soldier during the Vietnam War. The experiences there severely traumatized her, and she retains bitter memories of that place. She used her rage to fuel her body building, which she further uses to augment her mutant abilities (her mutant ability enables her to create shockwaves through physical contact, usually combined with her super strength in form of punches).
At one point, she became a member of the Marauders (a team of superhuman assassins brought together by the mutant thief Gambit when he was in the employ of the enigmatic Mister Sinister). On Sinister's orders, the Marauders massacred the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks. In the course of the massacre, the Marauders, including Arclight, clashed with various superhumans, including the X-Men. (To learn about the teams, characters, and people above, just click on their highlighted names. Note: Beware of the woman in a tight-fitting/revealing outfit in the background of the Marauders' bio page.)
Arclight, along with the Marauders, originally died during the demonic invasion of Manhattan that came to be known as the "Inferno." However, Mister Sinister had the technology to clone the Marauders (thanks to him retaining samples of their DNA). Thus, Arclight continued to appear among the Marauders in all subsequent activities, including their battles with Cable and X-Man. Therefore, it's unclear if the current Arclight is the original or a clone. (If you would like to learn more about the character, team, or event above, just click on their names.)
For a brief time, in an alternate time line, Arclight served as a member of the Femizons. This group was an all-female superhuman army of warrior women. During this time, Arclight clashed with the super-soldier Captain America, and the mercenary named Paladin. (To learn about the group and characters above, click on their highlighted names. Note: Beware of the multiple women in tight-fitting and/or revealing outfits in the main picture on the Femizons' bio page.)
In an alternate universe, Arclight has been portrayed as a male instead of a female. (This can be seen in the last picture posted above.) Marvel has sometimes done this with other characters as well. Some that I have seen are Black Panther and Loki. (To learn about these characters, click on their names above. Note: Beware of Loki's bio page; the main picture is of the female Loki in a revealing outfit.)
To learn a little bit more about Arclight, click on the following link, (Note: Beware of Arclight's bio page's main picture; she has a form-fitting outfit on.)